Community members

La liste des membres de votre communauté est accessible dans votre espace organisation, dans le menu Communauté. La liste des membres comprend les personnes qui ont candidaté à vos événements ou qui ont rejoint votre communauté via un lien partagé par vous ou par des organisations que vous soutenez.

The list of your community members is accessible in your organization space, in the Community menu. The list of members includes people who have applied to your events, or who have joined your community via a link shared by you or by organizations you support.



Click on the name of a member of your community to access their profile.



Organization information

In the section Information for the organization, you can enter internal organization information for each member: registration number, status, name of supplier, remarks, etc. This information can be consulted from the contact sheet in the events you organize, but only by your organization's users. Those with access rights to a specific event only cannot consult the organization's information fields.

To create a new organization field, go to Organization information settings (gear icon) in a community member's profile, then click on New information.



Specify the name of the information field and its type, with the different choices if it is a drop-down list.


To add or modify the information associated with a member of your community, click on Edit (pencil icon) and enter the relevant information.


The Events section lists all your organization's events to which the teammate has applied, with the date of the event and the status of the application.

Information from events

In the section Informtion from events, you will find the last value entered by the teammate for the fields in your shared library. When the team member applies for new events using these fields in the registration form, the answers are pre-filled with this information.



Invitation to join the community

To invite new people to join your community on Qoezion, you can share an invitation link. Share this link on your website, social media or by email to easily expand your community!

To obtain the invitation link, go to your organization space > Community and click on the button Join the community .

When you publish your events on, anyone interested can also join your community via your organization's page.

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