Sharing documents with my team

The documents area

To share documents with your teammates, you can upload them to the document area of your event.

  • Go to Settings > Documents

  • Click on New document to upload a new file

In the teammates' personal space, the Documents page brings together all the documents shared by the event organization. In addition to the documents you have uploaded to the documents area, teammates will also find those received via their message box or included in the description of activities.

Sending documents via the message box

To share a document with a specific contact or group of contacts, you can send them via the messaging system. To find out more, read this article.

Sharing documents in the activity description

If the document you want to share is related to an activity (instructions, plan, tutorial on the activity), the easiest way is to add the document to the activity description. This way, any teammate assigned to the activity will be able to consult the document. To add a document to the activity description, go to the activity details and click on the Add Image/File icon.

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