Organization affiliation

Organizations often work together in associations of organizers, networks, federations and communities. With Qoezion, organizations can affiliate with one another, and bring together a large community quickly and easily.

Supporting organizations

To view your organization's affiliation link, go to your Organization space > Settings > Affiliation. Share the link with the organizations you wish to support: they will be able to invite members of their community to join yours too!

On the page Affiliation, you will find the list of organizations you support. You can cancel your association with an organization by clicking on the icon Stop supporting.

Become affiliated with an organization

To become affiliated with an organization that supports yours, click on the affiliation link provided by the supporting organization and select your supported organization(s).

In your Organization space > Settings > Affiliation, you will find the list of organizations that support you. You can cancel your affiliation with an organization by clicking on the icon Stop being supported.

Invitation to join supporting organizations

When your organization is affiliated with other organizations, participants in your events will be invited to join these communities after completing your registration form (if the participant is already a member of that community, the invitation will not be displayed).

Disable the invitation to join a supporting organization's community

If you wish to disable the invitation to join the community of an organization supporting one of your events:

  • In your organization space, go to Events.

  • Click on the additional menu (vertical dots icon) of the desired event and select the option Supporters.

  • Uncheck supporting organizations to disable the invitation.

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