
The dashboard contains all the features you need to manage your event in Qoezion. In your personal space, click on the poster of an event you are organizing to access its dashboard.

When you create your event, you'll find a summary of the main features in your dashboard to help you get started. You can explore Qoezion's features on your own or let us guide you step by step.

As long as you haven't yet opened your applications, you can see the number of contacts pre-registered for your event at the top of your dashboard. Volunteers who visit your public page and want to apply while applications are not open yet are automatically pre-registered for your event. They will receive an email with a link to your application form to complete their registration when you open your applications.




In the dashboard, you'll find indicators such as the number of contacts, unread messages and assignments to be published. You can also add licences to your event and quickly access the configuration of your application form or share the link when applications are open.



The side menu gives you access to Qoezion's various functions and allows you return to your dashboard at any time.

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